Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

What does Taltos mean? Where did the word come from?

Taltos is an Eastern European word that is applied to a person, object, or animal, that is magical. Thus, my website name means "magical dreams."

I came across the word after the novels by Anne Rice and Steven Brust. It ended up being my favorite username and here we are, though I have no plans to use it in the title of a book.

What is Nevernoon and why is it so mysterious?

Nevernoon is the day Primes began to appear on Earth. For a short time the sun seemed to disappear. The return of sunlight was marked with short-lived storms and a variety of strange phenomenon and is still being studied by scientists. The exact details will be explored as the story progresses.

How long have you been writing?

I started at the beginning of 2017 while undergoing major surgery. The multi-month recovery was enough to develop my writing habits and

Where did the inspiration for The World of Primes come from?

No single story or writer directly inspired my stories. I have loved the idea of people with special powers since I first picked up The Sword Of Shannara as a kid and every story since has brought me here. Samantha Gray was inspired by some of my own experiences and my love of snarky characters. I wanted to create a character that is more down-to-earth and rather than dealing with world destroying enemies, is dealing with more realistic antagonists and problems.

I am also a fan of Kaiju in all their forms. I own the majority of existing Godzilla movies, have a large collection of vinyl figurines and even a couple of stuffed Godzillas.

The end result is my World Of Primes. A story of Myths, Monsters, and regular people.

Where do the images for this site come from?

I take all my own images and any art is either commissioned or posted with permission.  I plan to eventually use photos and images to enhance understanding of certain parts of my story.

Is Arbor City a real place?

Yes. It based on a real city. I change all business names, but sometimes leave street names and other landmarks in the story for readers who are familiar with the city.

Arbor City is larger than the real city and has some additional features. The most obvious of which is the larger and deeper Arbor River, as well as the big island that some of Arbor City's richest live on. I further extended the existing forest out past the reservoir to surround Arbor City, replacing the high plains desert that exists in real life.

How often will World of Primes novels be released?

I would like to get into a rhythm of releasing a novel every other year in the Universe of Primes, while releasing other novels on the off years. This is a work in progress of course, as I have a full time job that keeps me very busy. It appears my release time for book 2 will end up being about half as long as it took to finish book 1.

Are there other stories you plan to write?

Yes. Samantha's story has a lot of room to be told, and other characters that have planned stand alone novels. The series will be three novels in length.

I am currently writing a novella about a woman who becomes trapped in an MMO. (an Isekai story). That will eventually be about three novels long.

I have a High Fantasy series that is undergoing world building right now. It is my favorite project, but I wanted to get a few novels under my belt before diving into a much more complicated project with world-building, a unique magic system, and some very different foes.

Are Your Daemons Similar to Kaiju in other series?

I love Kaiju stories, but I wanted mine to have a different feel to them than other monsters. My Kaiju are called Daemons. They are fast growing and regenerating monsters that feed on both nulls and primes, while developing powers of their own. Their origins will be explored in a future novel.

The Short Story The Storm is a sneak peak at some of the characters and events in that future novel.

Are you active on Social Media?

Yes. I am as Taltosdreamer on Reddit, Facebook, World of Warcraft, and a few others.

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